Sigurrós Stefánsdóttir, known as SCP239, is an 8yearold girl, 1 meter in height and kilograms in weight with shoulderlength blonde hair and eyes that "shimmer" a graygreen shade SCP239 is an extremely powerful reality bender with the ability to seemingly do whatever she expresses a will to do on a basal psychological level as long as she is conscious Fortunately,Scp233이 23이라는 숫자를 중요시하긴 하지만, 이런 효과는 sc233 스스로가 판단하기 보다는 관찰자가 인식함에 따라 달라지는 것으로 보인다 예컨대 274m의 길이 장대로 scp233를 다루더라도, 장대 Enter the elusive universe of the SCP Foundation, a collaborative writing project surrounding a powerful international organization dedicated to protecting the world from the horrors lurking in the dark
皮皮洛的日更scp配音 Scp 233 二十三面体 哔哩哔哩 つロ干杯 Bilibili
Scp 2331
Scp 2331-Beschreibung SCP233 ist ein 23seitiger Polyeder, wobei jede Fläche gleichzeitig sowohl aus einem gleichseitigen Dreieck, als auch aus einer geraden Linie zusammengesetzt ist Aufgrund der die Raumzeit verändernden Eigenschaften des Objekts kann dessen genauer physischer Aufbau weder in dreidimensionaler noch in zweidimensionaler Form nachgebildet werdenRead SCP233 from the story SCP #2 by Mayu021X with 17 reads recherche, scp, humain Objet # SCP233 / Polyèdre à 23 faces Classe Keter
Procedimientos Especiales de Contención SCP233 ha de estar mantenido dentro de un contenedor cúbico forrado con vanadio, de dimensiones de 23 por 23 por 23 La unidad de medida es irrelevante Una zona segura alrededor de 23 metros del objeto debe establecerse ningún miembro del personal ClaseD mayor o menor a 23 años debe estar en la zona seguraItem # SCP233 Classe do Objeto Keter Nome do SCP O Poliedro de 23 Lados Procedimentos especiais de contençãoSCP233 deve ser mantido dentro de um recipiente cúbico revestido de vanádio, com dimensões 23 por 23 por 23 A unidade de medida é irrelevante, uma zona de segurança de 23 metros deve ser estabelecida em torno do objeto e nenhum funcionário daアイテム番号 SCP233JP オブジェクトクラス Euclid Explained 特別収容プロトコル SCP233JPEXの調査は終了しました。 説明 SCP233JPはかつて財団職員であったデータ削除氏を中心に発生した情報災害とみられる異常現象です。 SCP233JPの特異性は、データ削除氏と接触した経験のある人物に発生し
Item # SCP233 Object Class Euclid Special Containment Procedures SCP233 is to be contained within a safeclass chamber with at least 250m of space between it and any outside objects Inside of this containment chamber, SCP233 must be kept in a standard SCP2331 containment cell without any tools or direct access to the outsideThủ tục kiểm soát đặc biệt SCP233 phải được đặt trong một thùng chứa hình lập phương có kích thước 23 x 23 x 23, bên trong có tráng lớp vanadi Một khu vực an toàn thiết lập xung quanh vật thể 23m, không nhân viên Cấp D nào dưới 23 tuổi được phép vào khu vực an toànAddendum On December 1st, 17, as SCP4233 approached the eastern coast of Baffin Island, operatives from Naval Task Force Sigma58 "Bottomfeeders" tracking SCP4233 began to receive a lowfidelity radio transmission of a deep, male voice humming the tune of the traditional sea shanty "What Shall We Do with a Drunken Sailor?"
SCP234 został odkryty po serii raportów dotyczących incydentów i zaginięciach turystów w pobliżu kraju ZMIENIONO Wysłany tam przez Fundację zespół badawczy przypadkowo stworzył zamkniętą przestrzeń standardowym, przeciwdeszczowym namiotem kempingowym, co doprowadziło do implozji, w wyniku czego zaginął jeden (1) członek personeluSCP233 is a 23sided polyhedron, each face being made up of both an equilateral triangle and a straight line simultaneously Because of the spacetime altering nature of the object, the exact physical makeup of the object cannot be emulated in threedimensional or twodimensional formÍtem # SCP233 Clasificación del Objeto Keter Procedimientos Especiales de Contención SCP233 será almacenado en un contenedor cúbico de vanadio, de dimensiones 23 por 23 por 23 La unidad de medida es irrelevante Una zona segura de 23 metros será establecida alrededor del objeto ningún personal de Clase D menor o mayor a 23 años de edad será permitido dentro de la
SCP233有能够改变邻近数学法则的奇异特性,使周围的计数完全错误,除非使用23进制而使用23进制的计算器却能受益于该SCP:它将以常速23倍的速度进行运算,因此对该SCP的摧毁提议延期未决,因为有可能将它融入 资料删除利用。 因为将2进制转换为23进制较为困难,该装置已经展现出它对组织的价值。 (详见Nana博士 删除的报告234 删除关于她那对于统一场论SCP Global International Translation Archive; Объект № scp233 Класс объекта Кетер Особые условия содержания scp233 должен находиться внутри кубического контейнера размерами 23 х 23 х 23, покрытого изнутри ванадием
Группа ВК https//vkcom/scplostsignalРеддит https//wwwredditcom/r/scpprotocols/Группа ФБ https//wwwfacebookcom/groups/ Item # SCP233 Laconic Containment Procedures Keep it in a cubical container with dimensions of 23 x 23 x 23, no matter the unit measure Only objects and personnel with relation to the number 23 can enter its vicinity No objects or personnel related to the number REDACTED can enter its safe zoneBilregistret SPC 233 Fordonsuppgifter om SPC233 Med hjälp av bilregistret kan du söka information om SPC 233 och andra fordon som trafikerar Sveriges gator Bilregistret ger dig all tänkbar information om ett fordon såsom fordonsspecifikationer, besiktningshistorik och uppgifter om tidigare ägare av, exempelvis SPC 233
SCP233 causera la décomposition chimique de l'objet concerné à un rythme rapide le contact direct résulte en la séparation de l'objet en atomes uniques en 0,23 secondes Note SCP233 semble déclenché non pas par les propriétés de l'objet en question dans un sens empirique, mais par la perception des observateurs à proximitéTheRubber bring you SCP Foundation KETER class object, SCP231 AnimationLIKE & SUBSCRIBE to TheRubber Channel Today!SCP 231 also known as Seven Brides, SeveSCP232 Jack Proton's Atomic Zapper SCP233 23Sided Polyhedron SCP234 Extradimensional Fish SCP235 Phonographic Records SCP236 Mimic "Crabs" SCP237 SelfMade Man SCP238 Building Complex SCP239 The Witch Child SCP240 BreathPowered Flying Machine SCP241 Good Home Cooking SCP242 Self "Cleaning" Pool SCP243 Animation SCP244
Item # SCP233 Clasificación del Objeto Keter Procedimientos Especiales de Contención SCP233 será almacenado en un contenedor cúbico de vanadio, de dimensiones 23 por 23 por 23 La説明 scp233jpはサイト8136に指定された 県 市の民家(旧 犀賀さいが 邸)内の和室に存在する、面積半畳の押入れです。scp233jp内に生物が入りSCP233 23Sided Polyhedron (Khối đa diện 23 mặt) Xếp Loại Keter Thủ tục kiểm soát đặc biệt SCP233 phải được đặt trong một thùng chứa hình lập phương có kích thước 23 x
Discord https//discordgg/R862SFQIf you would like any of your content to be removed from the video, please contact me on DiscordCreditsu/MigsDaRutt htSCP233 tem a propriedade incomum de alterar as leis da matemática ao seu redor, fazendo que os cálculos realizados apresentem resultados incorretos, exceto se calculados em um sistema de base 23No entanto, se os cálculos forem realizados com a base 23, tem o benefício de serem realizados 23 vezes mais rápido Opis SCP233 jest 23ściennym wielościanem, którego każdy bok jest zarówno trójkątem równobocznym jak i linią prostą Z uwagi na zniekształcające czasoprzestrzeń właściwości obiektu, dokładne odwzorowanie fizycznego kształtu obiektu w trójwymiarowej lub dwuwymiarowej formie jest niemożliwe
项目编号:SCP233 项目等级: Keter 特殊收容措施:SCP233要被保存在一个尺寸为23x23x23的以混凝土筑砌衬层的立方收容区间内,只要是23x23x23就可以,不论什么单位长度。 在该物体周围建立了一个23米的安全区:不允许任何不是23岁的D级人员允许进入安全区。为了研究方便,最好使用在月底前度过第23説明 scp233jpはサイト8136に指定された 県 市の民家(旧 犀賀 さいが 邸)内の和室に存在する、面積半畳の押入れです。 scp233jp内に生物が入り、scp233jp1を閉めると、scp233jp内の壁面に金属製の扉(以下scp233jp2)が出現します。 평가 4 – x 일련번호 SCP233 등급 케테르 (Keter) 특수 격리 절차 SCP233은 바나듐으로 내부처리한 정육면체형 용기에 보관하며, 용기의 치수는 23 × 23 × 23 으로 한다 측정 단위가 무엇인지는 상관없다 대상의 주위에는 23 m 의 안전지대를 설정한다 안전지대 내에는 나이가 23세를 초과하거나 미만한 D계급 인원을 진입시킬 수 없다 최적의 결과를 위하여, 각 달의 23일을
Ítem # SCP233 Clase de Objeto Keter Procedimientos Especiales de Contención SCP233 ha de estar mantenido dentro de un contenedor cúbico forrado con vanadio, de dimensiones de 23 por 23 por 23 La unidad de medida es irrelevante Una zona segura alrededor deDescription SCP232 is a massproduced children's toy of early 1950s manufacture, composed primarily of tin and a batterypowered electric light apparatus, with an exterior painted to resemble a laser gun of the type featured in popular science fiction of the early th century scp 233 Author Drjieun(scp 601) 8 3 8 3 Object Classsafe DescriptionHe is 156cm tall and weighs 48kgHe is a normal middle school maleThe more unusual features were his ears and tail Dog breed is a golden retriever and is a very cooperative person, and there was an unidentified leash around the neck
SCP 233 Audio Preview removecircle Share or Embed This Item Share to TwitterRussian Branch(RU) SCP 재단(KO) SCP基金会(CN) Fondation SCP(FR) SCP Polska Filia(PL) La Fundación SCP(ES) สถาบัน SCP(TH) SCP財団(JP) SCP Deutschland(DE) Fondazione SCP(IT) Ukrainian Branch(UA) Lusófona Branch(PT) SCP Nadace(CS) SCP基金會(ZHTR) Background AboutRead SCP233 from the story SCP FR #2 by Mayu021X with 9 reads secret, monstre, fondation Objet # SCP233/L'oreiller qui fait dormir Niveau de Menace Bla
Description SCP233 is a 23sided polyhedron, each face being made up of both an equilateral triangle and a straight line simultaneously Because of the spacetime altering nature of the object, the exact physical makeup of the object cannot be emulated in threedimensional or twodimensional formSCP233, also known as the 23Sided Polyhedron, is the 233rd SCP anomaly recorded under the SCPFoundation's system of classification and containment of anomalous subjects 1 Specifications 11 Special Containment Procedures 2 Description 21 One note 22 Addendum 233a 23 Addendum 233bSCP233FR influe sur la qualité du sommeil du sujet et sur certaines facultés cognitives Les risques de voir les effets de SCP233FR devenir permanents sur les sujets augmentent avec son temps d'utilisation On dénombre plusieurs stades dans les effets anormaux sur un sujet, pouvant varier sensiblement d'un sujet à l'autre
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